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‘Ask Charles’ No. 1

Charles Martin
‘Ask Charles’  No. 1

Q: Do I work out of the house?

A: Sort of.  Our house doesn’t have a garage.  Because of that, we bought a portable, metal shed and had it dropped in the back corner of our yard when we moved in. Christy liked the aesthetics of it so much that she quickly surrounded it with shrubs and bushes which now conceal it quite nicely.  Anyway, we stored all the normal garage stuff in there.  I.e., Christmas decoration boxes, flashing reindeer, ski clothes, kayaks, lawnmowers, backpack blower, etc.  I took a closet in the house and turned it into my office…

That served as my office until about three years ago when the boys got ‘growed enough’ (it’s a great southern word, only really makes sense if you’re from around here) to start making more noise than my closet door could block.  So, one day they were running around the house, being boys, and rather than scream and yell, I just figured, ‘the problem ain’t them.  It’s my location.’  So, I walked out of the house and found myself staring at the shed.  Thirty minutes later Christy found me unloading it and putting all that stuff in the middle of our yard.  She helped me move my desk in there and moving the laptop was rather simple.  Today, it’s carpeted, painted, and even has a window a/c unit.  As for the stuff I spread across the yard, we got rid of a bunch of stuff we didn’t need, I built a kayak rack behind the shed and moved everything else to one closet in the carport.  Thus far, I’ve written three books in here. Working on my fourth.

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